Latin Orange Fiber Cream Shake

Latin Orange Fiber Cream Shake

 For Dominicans'  this is a staple in any home, usually made with Tang, or real orange juice and milk, calling it "Morir Sonando" or translated "Die Sleeping", yes very weird name; luckily I found Latin Orange Creame  Shake more appetizing . Here is my version with a nutrient filled powder from named FiberWise, Orange Flavor. I find it has more nutritional values, and at the same time makes it taste even better than the usual ways.
      If you can find an orange powdered Fiber drink from another brand that would be fine too. This is wonderful as a breakfast meals, lunch, or after dinner drink. Great to make all year round but especially great for those warm or hot days where you want to  take a break from cooking. I also recommend this drink for anyone going through an illness or just one of those days.

Equipment: 1 blender
  • Very cold Milk- 8oz. will fill up a glass of this size
  • FiberWise Orange Flavor 1 scoop for each 8oz. of Milk 
  • Vanilla 1  teaspoon per serving 
Method: Simply Blend all of the ingredients together without ice for about 30 seconds and serve.

Share with a loved one! Great way to put your family on drinking fiber without sacrificing taste.


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