Ingredient Spotlight: The toxic dangers of Sodium Fluoride

Thank goodness we have consumer advocates. I highly recommend, no; it's an imperative for your health that you remove Flouride from your consumption. Below I recommend Items for your Family Oral Care, Water Filtration System, and books to learn more.
Learn more about Sodium Fluoride through these videos:
Sodium Fluoride in the NEWS
Change your water Filtration system as this lady did and restore your health
Alarming Video Detailing where Fluoride comes from
Alarming Fluoride infant water product to look out for and ban
My product recommendation Links for removing fluoride from your Daily consumption:
Please shop with us if you would like to show your support. Thank you!
Family Oral Care
Water Testing and Filtration
Tips for shopping When searching for more products make sure to type in and look out for labels that say non-fluoride, fluoride testing, or removes fluoride, Consumer reviews usually are detailed and very helpful
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