101 "Fat Burning" Foods Explained with a ShoppingList

       101 "Fat Burning" foods Explained w/ a Shopping  List

"Fat burning" food claims, and numerous diet clubs appeal to unsuspecting people trying to make a healthy change in their lives. The truth is that foods (scientifically speaking) by itself do not "burn" off fat; the process of  energy consuming digestion  is what causes the increase of activity of your metabolism. Some foods consume so much energy to digest that they burn more calories than actually produced, hence the term "Zero Calorie" Foods. These foods work as amphetamines which help burn calories naturally.
       Instead of buying into a weight loss club that offers mostly frozen foods and that I have to be committed to, I compiled a list of Metabolic foods that I would rather sink my teeth into. Cooking almost everyday became the norm after I realized how much money I was saving. When I calculated my Take-out vs.Grocery receipts; (approx. 250.00 per week in savings) I figured it was well worth the clean up. Sure I eat out, but now I reserve it for a more special occasion, or when I am too burnt-out for the moment.

You don't just have to take my word for it that this way of cooking works, take look at how this man lost weight using the ingredients I provide below with his own recipe for a Metabolic Soup:

Metabolic Foods List: Print, Clip and  use it  while shopping!

Apples               Flounder            Oranges            Turnips

Apricots               Garlic                  Papaya            Tuna
Artichokes           Green-tea            Parsley             Turkey
Asparagus            Grapefruit            Peaches          Watermelon
Beets                    Grapes                Peas                 Wholegrain cereal
Blueberries           Green beans        Pears 
Broccoli               Halibut                Pineapple
Brussels sprouts   Honeydew          Prunes
Carrots                 Jalapenos             Pumpkin
Cabbage               Kale                    (Lean) Pork
Cantaloupe           Lamb                  Radishes
Cauliflower          Leeks                  Raspberries
Celery                  Lemons               Red-Cabbage
Cayenne chilies   Lettuce                Salmon
Cherries               Limes                  Scallions
Chicken               Lobster                Sauerkraut
Chives                  Low-fat Milk or  Part-skim
Cod                     Mangoes               Sardines
Corn                    Mozzarella            Spinach
Cranberries          Mushrooms          Squash
Coffee                  Nectarines            Strawberries
Cucumber            Oats/Oat-bran       String beans
Eggs                     Okra                     Tangerines
Eggplant               Onions                 Tomatoes


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