African Mango PIlls Crave Blocker and more!

HI readers!
My secrets to keeping a steady weight and approaching weight loss in a balanced way.

I have had so much more energy, with my newfound lifestyle. Between my ever demanding day job and my responsibilities at home, I have had to learn how to have more energy through my foods, and beverages; without the use of 5 hour energy drinks. I have been taking something called African Mango Pills, which so far does a great job in curbing my appetite, but I have to make sure I eat my 3 meals, and I keep at least two gallons of clear fluids in my refrigerator at all times.

This means more energy to work-out and more energy to burn. I believe I have hit a milestone in my weight loss and am going to schedule an increase in work-out intensity to level 3! There was my learning stage, (1), gaining strength stage(2), and now I am ready to Rumba! Literally. I want to Rumba.  So I might write a post on that soon. Not kidding.

 When I initially started I couldn't really do more than 15 min into a  fitness video. Now I am doing two, to three at a time, each focusing on my trouble areas.  So, what is it to you? Well if  you are here, it's more likely because you want to eat great while looking great and my Metabolic Recipes halted my weight loss in it's tracks as well as boosted my energy, without depriving myself from eating the foods that I love.

 Now, I can safely do any workout with confidence and more stamina. My best approach to my weight is steady as you win the race, as you improve in all areas of fitness, such as agility, flexibility, etc.  as you feel the progress in your body.

Here is where I am today as evident, my weight has halted any gain for the past one year and a half since I started this blog.

Previous weight   190      Previous Size 18/19

2013 -14 After writing my blog
Current weight 175       Current Size  12

Goal weight 135-45       Goal Size 8 or a healthy 10

Body trouble areas:
small double chin
arms too thick
would like my waist to be thinner

Areas I still love:
My legs need no help
My collar bone area is still sexy

Workout Must Haves: Music, right clothing & sneakers, matts, weights, and videos

Link here to see 55 Top Workout Hits on now

Favorite Workouts So Far :
Playing and waling with my dog Leonidas
Dancing, Belly and Latin, hope to do more hip hop and more advanced dancing
Meditation and Yoga for my back, it can relieve pain


New Game Plan since 2014:

Diet Changes:
Low-carb diet of 30 grams of carbohydrates per day
One allowed cheat night ( I chose Football Sundays) to eat as much carbs as I want
Starting to take Crave blockers such as African Mango Pills

Link to African Mango Pills

Recommended by "Dr.Oz" AFrican Mango Pills take a look at product by linking right here!



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