Maybe my hair can be famous LOL
I used to model in my early teens, representing the petite Latina woman, with a mixed background when I was a size 0! YES I was a size 0!..unbelievable right. I case you are wondering I am Dominican and Indonesian. Previously on this blog I wrote and an article stating I did not feel comfortable becoming a plus-size model, not to discourage other women, just stating my own soul searching and opinion about doing it myself. I felt I could do better than 180lb modeling...... This is me NOW...25lbs. less to date.
I decided I could do something to get my foot back in the door in my present glory. I am happy to share that watching my weight and activities have paid off!!! I am Currently a stable 155. but I have more work to do.
The star of the show has always been my hair...and she seems to want the limelight again.
Hey Ashley Graham, Velvet DAmore and all the other Full figured models that ROCK!
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