Why I banned Mc' unhealthy Burgers from my diet
Dearest Readers,
I remember the good ol' ignorant days of childhood when my mother celebrated my birthday every year until I was 8 at Mc' Donald's and all the children I knew joined me in the ignorant bliss that we where "loving it." I "treated myself all throughout my teens, and early twenties to their Super Sized burgers and never gave it a second thought, until.... I don't know if it was the fact that I began to cook at home and my body was rejecting anything less than the new standard of freshness and wholesome home cooked goodness, but honestly, my body now rejects all Hamburgers from McDonald's and any other Fast food place that claims their burgers are 100% beef delivered miles from who knows where. I will spare you the details but I start sweating and getting really really sick.
I feel like I should have just ordered a trip to the bathroom with a super sized stomach ache! Upon my research due to my disappointments (yes more than once before I kicked the Mc'sickening habit for good) I found many, many disturbing experiments and incidents where people have found the most disgusting things in their cheeseburgers. It's enough to make even the most hard core carnivore a vegetarian. Habits are hard to break, but when you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, even ruining your work or play day over a meal, trust me you will kick the habit and start cooking at home just like I did. If you want to see what I do to get my mouthwatering again to a delicious burger when everyone else is still on the Fast food bandwagon, check out my Turkey Burger Recipe.
I hope I inspired you to just say no, or at least motivate you to do more research before you decide to take a bite out of a road to unhealthy eating. I mean can you even compare fast food to a well made fresh home cooked meal? If you must eat in one of these Fast Food places do your best to look at their healthier menu, and use our shopping list of Metabolic foods to help you out.
Here is a link to learn more about the dangerous foods that kill you slowly and even take years off of your life (I am impartial to Alex Jones commentaries, however this was very educational)
This article was recently edited on March 26th 2013
10-17-12 I Just found many advertisements for McDonald's on my pages, and I have just blocked them from my web-site, my apologies for the inconsistency and the block should be implemented with in the next 24hours. Thank you.
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